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冯潇 副教授

发布时间 :2018-06-29文字 :石晶晶浏览量 :


冯潇   邮箱: fengxiao@nufe.edu.cn        


10/2021 – 今      南京财经大学,副教授

06/2018 – 10/2021    南京财经大学,讲师

08/2013 – 11/2017    新加坡国立大学, 博士,食品科学与科技,化学院

10/2011 – 06/2012    中国科学院, 国家纳米科学中心, 本科毕业设计

09/2008 – 06/2012    山东大学, 化学与化工学院, 工程学士





主持国家自然科学基金  NSFC32001643

江苏省自然科学基金   SBK2020040148



2018.09- 现在, 授课专业英语、化工原理,综合实验,南京财经大学,BG电子
2014年8月-2014年12月及2015年8月-2015年12月, 任教学助理,教授新加坡国立大学大四本科生高等食品工程
(Advanced Food Engineering)
年1月-2015年5月, 任教学助理, 教授新加坡国立大学大四本科生食品感官和风味科学 (Sensory and Flavour Science


Food ControlLWT-Food Science and Technology, Food Bioscience 等期刊审稿人



Cen, K., Yu, X., Gao, C., Feng, X*., Tang, X*. (2021). Effects of different vegetable oils and ultrasonicated quinoa protein nanoparticles on the rheological properties of pickering emulsion and freeze-thaw stability of emulsion gels. Journal of Cereal Science, 103350.

Hou, K., Xu, Y., Cen, K., Gao, C., Feng, X*., Tang, X*. (2021). Nanoemulsion of cinnamon essential oil Co-emulsified with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and Tween-80: Antibacterial activity, stability and slow release performance. Food Bioscience, 43, 101232.

Han, K., Feng, X*., Yang, Y*., Wei, S., & Chen, Y. (2021). Effects of camellia oil on the properties and molecular forces of myofibrillar protein gel induced by microwave heating. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.

Feng, X., Sun, Y., Yang, Y., Zhou, X., Cen, K., Yu, C., Xu, T., Tang, X. (2020). Zein nanoparticle stabilized Pickering emulsion enriched with cinnamon oil and its effects on pound cakes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 122, 109025.

Feng, X., Tjia, J. Y. Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, Q., Fu, C., & Yang, H. (2020). Effects of tocopherol nanoemulsion addition on fish sausage properties and fatty acid oxidation. LWT--Food Science and Technology, 118, 108737. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108737

Feng, X., Wang, W., Chu, Y., Gao, C., Liu, Q., Tang, X. (2020). Effect of cinnamon essential oil nanoemulsion emulsified by osa modified starch on the structure and properties of pullulan based films. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 134,110123.

Feng, X., Bansal, N., & Yang, H. (2016). Fish gelatin combined with chitosan coating inhibits myofibril degradation of Golden Pomfret (Trachinotus blochii) fillet during cold storage. Food Chemistry, 200, 283-292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.01.030

Feng, X., Fu, C., Yang, H. (2017). Fish gelatin addition improves nutrient retention and mass transfer of fish ball without altering its nanostructure during boiling process. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 77, 142-151. 

Feng, X., Ng, V. K., Mikš-Krajnik, M., & Yang, H. (2017). Effects of fish gelatin and tea polyphenol coating on the spoilage and degradation of myofibril in fish fillet during cold storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10, 89–102. DOI 10.1007/s11947-016-1798-7

Feng, X., Hang, S., Zhou, Y., Liu, Q., Yang, H. (2018). Bromelain tenderization kinetics and mechanism on myofibril from Golden Pomfret (Trachinotus blochii). Journal of Food Science, 83, 2148-2158.

Feng, X., Zhu Y., Liu Q., Yang H. (2017). Effects of bromelain tenderisation on texture, myofibrillar protein and flavour of fish balls. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10, 1918-1930.

Feng, X., Lai, S., Yang, H. (2014). Sustainable seafood processing: Utilization of fish gelatin. Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2, 2.  

Feng, X., Lai, S., Li, M., Fu, C., Chen, F., Yang, H. (2014). Chapter 1: Application of Atomic Force Microscopy in food-related macromolecules. In: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): Principles, Modes of Operation and Limitations. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, N.Y., USA. pp 1-44.

Feng, X., Guo Y., An H., Yang H. (2018). Chapter 6The hyphenated technique of high speed atomic force microscopy and super resolution optical detection system. In Atomic Force Microscopy in Molecular and Cell Biology. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore. pp 105-130.

Zhou, L., Feng, X., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, J., Wei, S., & Li, S. (2019). Effects of high-speed shear homogenization on properties and structure of the chicken myofibrillar protein and low-fat mixed gel. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 110, 19-24.

Zhou, L., Feng, X., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Tang, X., Wei, S., & Li, S. (2019). Effects of high-speed homogenization on the emulsifying and structural properties of myofibrillar protein under low-fat conditions. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 110, 19-24.

Liu, Q., Jin, X., Feng, X., Yang, H., & Fu, C. (2019). Inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium on organic carrot (Daucus carota L.) treated with low concentration electrolyzed water combined with short-time heat treatment. Food Control,106



George F. Stewart 研究成果比赛第二名, 美国食品科技协会年会, 美国,芝加哥,20167

新加坡科学与工程大会,指导学生获金奖, 20163

新加坡食品科学与技术学生研讨会,研究成果报告第二名, 20153


Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)